“The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places,” said Hemingway.
Diana Fosha adds: “There is no better way to capture the ethos of AEDP than to say that we try to help our patients--and ourselves—become stronger at the broken places . . . and to discover places that have always been strong and never were broken.”
Until recently, the mental health field, focused on pathology, and lacked concepts to capture the motivational strivings for health. Drawing on neuroscience and developmental research, Accelerated Experiential-Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) one of the fastest growing approaches to working with attachment trauma, rectifies the bias towards pathology. Building on our natural resilience, its therapeutics are based on our innate healing capacities, for we are wired for healing, self-righting and for resuming impeded growth. AEDP’s clinical practice shows how to entrain that and harness it in treatment and do so experientially in the context of relational work within the therapeutic dyad
AEDP assumes a healthy core within all people and emphasizes the importance of experiential work with attachment, emotion and transformation. It leverages safety and connection within the therapist-client relationship to facilitate healing. This workshop will deepen your understanding of how attachment theory informs experiential psychotherapeutic work carried out from an empathic stance. In this workshop, Diana Fosha will focus on metatherapeutic processing, AEDP magical yet systematic methodology for healing trauma and transforming emotional suffering into flourishing.
Diana Fosha, PhD, is the developer of AEDP (Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy), a healing-oriented psychotherapy to treat attachment trauma and help people connect to their vitality,and Director of the AEDP Institute. For the last 20 years, Diana has been active in promoting a scientific basis for a healing-oriented, attachment & emotion-focused trauma treatment model. Her work focuses on integrating neuroplasticity, recognition science and developmental dyadic research into clinical work with patients. Described by psychoanalyst James Grotstein as a “prizefighter of intimacy,” and by David Malan as “the Winnicott of [accelerated dynamic] psychotherapy,” Diana Fosha’s powerful, precise yet poetic writing style captures the ethos of AEDP. Her phrases ---”undoing aloneness,” “existing in the heart and mind of the other,” “stay with it and stay with me,” “rigor without shame” and “True Other” -- capture the ethos of AEDP.
She is author of The transforming power of affect (Basic Books, 2000) and author of numerous articles and chapters; co-author, with Natasha Prenn, of Supervision essentials for Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (APA, 2017); 1st editor, with Dan Siegel and Marion Solomon, of The healing power of emotion: Affective neuroscience, development & clinical practice (Norton, 2009) and editor of the just published Undoing aloneness and the transformation of suffering into flourishing: AEDP 2.0 (APA, 2021). Four DVDs of her live AEDP clinical work, including a complete 6-session treatment, and one on clinical supervision, have been issued by the American Psychological Association (APA).
Diana Fosha lives and practices in New York City, presents at international conferences, and leads workshops and trainings worldwide. Many of her papers are available through the AEDP website at www.aedpinstitute.org
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